Employee Benefits aligned with your organization’s culture and strategy

Health insurance coverage for your employees can be boiled down a transaction - the best benefits for the lowest price. The problem with that approach is that your workforce, and recruits, don’t share that viewpoint.

Your employee benefits program needs to align with your business strategy, organization culture, talent recruitment and retention needs, and financial constraints.

We take a consultative and educational approach as we collaborate with you to design and implement a plan that meets your needs dynamically. Join us for an upcoming webinar to learn about some of the solutions that may be worth exploring further for your employee benefits program.

Webinar Registration

Webinar Series

Self / Level funding for Small Business

Thursday, October 5, 2023 3 p.m. Central

Self insuring an employee benefit plan may seem like something reserved for large corporations able to take on risk. But today there are innovative products for small businesses that manage risk while taking advantage of all the benefits of self-insurance. Join us to learn more about these solutions for small business.

Financial Wellness

Thursday, November 3, 2023 - 2 p.m. Central

When your employees are distracted by the financial stress of credit card debt, purchasing a home, or restarting student loan repayments, a Financial Wellness solution from you can set them on a path to better focus on work. Financial Wellness programs don’t have to be cost prohibitive or only reserved for large corporations. In this webinar we’ll look at innovative, low-cost solutions to support your employees.

Voluntary Benefits

Thursday, December 7, 2023 - 2 p.m. Central

The fact is medical plan deductibles, out-of-pocket limits, and employee contributions have risen faster the employee wages. Often, employees complain they can’t afford the cost-sharing that comes with being insured. Voluntary Benefits can fill the gap, and be funded by contributions from employees, employers, or a combination of them. Learn how these benefits work and why it make sense for you to offer them.