
About Cotinuum, LLC

Cotinuum aims to serve the needs of small and medium-sized employers, their employees and others in a differentiated and unique way. Our focus is strategic so our collaboration with you starts with listening. By taking the time to understand where you are and where you want to go we’ll work with you on a plan forward. And if your vision for the future is unclear, we’ll take the time to help reveal the pathways that may make sense, and set the right course for now. Because these times are dynamic, we’ll revisit your strategy and priorities periodically to make small adjustments or wholesale pivots - all in the context of what makes sense at the time. Set-up a consultation today so we can get started.

Ready to learn more?


David Flores

Dave spent over 30 years on the carrier side of the employee benefits industry before founding Cotinuum, LLC. With roles in sales, marketing, product development, and innovation, Dave was on the frontline of industry trends. His unique experience brings a wealth of value to Cotinuum’s clients who choose to work with Dave, and his associates, for their strategic focus, creativity, and holistic approach. Dave was born and raised in the Chicago area, which he continues to call home today. He is a graduate of Northwestern University. Dave maintains a resident Life and Health insurance license in Illinois, and a non-resident license in several other states.


Peter Waitzman

Peter brings a wealth of experience to Cotinuum in individual insurance, financial wellness, and marketing and social media. Passionate about personal finance, he has written on financial wellness and developed financial wellbeing programs for employers and even developed a mentoring program for independent financial coaches.

Peter holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Northwestern University. He has worked in consulting, banking, and investment management in addition to his employee benefits and insurance experience. He has been a featured speaker at financial conferences and is dedicated to sharing financial strategies to improve financial wellbeing and help everyone pursue financial independence.


Working with us - Individuals

Navigating the world of individual insurance coverage can be confusing and frustrating. By listening and learning about your situation we’ll help you break it all down, address your questions, and find you the solution(s) that make sense.


Working with us - Employers

Collaboration with you is a key approach we take right from the start. When you schedule a consultation with us, we’ll take the time to listen to what brought you to us, ask a bunch of questions, and propose moving on to the remaining steps in the process.

Step 1: Initial Consultation

We’ll briefly discuss what’s top of mind and your goals and objectives. We’ll discuss what working together might look like, and if we decide it makes sense, we’ll move to the next step.

Step 2: Discovery

The discovery call is an in-depth discussion on the “as-is” as well as what may come next for your program and future strategies. This session will rely on documentation of your present situation as well as a strategic discussion of your organization, it’s challenges and opportunities, and the role your employees and their support structures can contribute to moving the vision forward.

Step 3: Proposal

We’ll propose a plan of action based on our discovery findings, including a timeline, milestones, and even implementation details like communications. In moving forward, we’ll modify the plan as needed and then formalize our partnership with you. Our fees are typically covered by commissions from the products you purchase. However, we’ll be transparent and up-front about specific consulting fees on projects not tied to commissionable products.

Step 4: Delivery / Implementation

We will review with you the results of our work, financial analysis, and other considerations relative to the programs under consideration. Moving to implementation, we’ll manage the process and ensure all parties are on task to ensure a successful program launch.

Step 5: Ongoing Touch Points

We’ll establish a regular cadence for checking in with you, evaluating what’s working and what’s not, as well as pushing forward on long term strategies - or pivots - to adapt and respond to an ever-changing landscape for your organization.